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Used Uniforms

Has your Champion outgrown their old uniforms? We collect and distribute used uniforms to help OPA-SV families who need them and to raise funds for our Champions.


Used uniform EVENTS

Pick up used uniforms for your Champion at our used uniform sale events on campus! Items starting at $1! Cash or credit accepted. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news on our event dates.


Parents can also drop off used uniforms in the collection bin next to the office.


Thank you for your generosity.


If you're interested in helping with our used uniform events, please contact our VP of volunteers at volunteers@opasvhs.org.





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Our Mission

We believe in uniting the home, school and community through exceptional learning opportunities. We do this by uniting parents, teachers, students and community through enrichment programs, providing funding and volunteer support for academic and enrichment activities and creating a strong school through educational programs.